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January 06, 2022

Blue Monday: how to survive the worst day of the year?

Feeling cold and in need of daylight? Already abandoned your New Year’s resolutions. Feeling under the weather? Here comes Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year! This third Monday of January is usually the time of year when we’re all tired of Winter and are feeling bad. Now, how to get through this worst day of the year?  

Hug, smooch, and cuddle

Start your day by extra-hugging your kids, partner, or pets! By hugging your body releases oxytocin, also known as the love hormone. When arriving at work, give some heart-felt compliments to your colleagues. Giving and receiving compliments helps you feel better. Spread showers of love to begin your day!

Take a walk on the bright side

Hit two birds with one stone (please not literally)! Get some fresh air and exercise during your lunch break. By going outside around noon, you’ll be able to soak up a little bit of daylight. Daylight helps you produce serotonins that stabilize your mood. Don’t let rain or bad weather try to stop you to go out for a stroll, light exercise or a short 15–20-minute run. By exercising, your body produces endorphins, one of our ‘happy hormones’. This will help you get through your day smoother!

(Tr)eat yourself happy!

Blue Monday is the perfect day to treat yourself with yummy food! A plate full of colourful vegetables on a side of velvet beans, a piece of unprocessed meats or Omega-3 rich fish will do the trick! Finish your meal with a dairy- or banana-based dessert topped off with a piece of dark chocolate. All these foods help your dopamine production, known as the “feel-good” hormone.

Fun and challenging indoor activities

Keep that naturally produced dopamine flowing after dinner! Try to challenge yourself with a fun, educational game like IQ Circuit or Froggit. By completing a challenging task or by celebrating little wins your brain will feel a lot happier!


What do you do to survive Blue Monday? Share it via @smartgamessocial !


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